An ice cream that combines the flavors most appreciated by the Portuguese has now arrived exclusively at Galp stores: Salted Caramel and Peanut Nougat. We had the opportunity to develop the image to deliver a taste of this delicious Ice Cream.

3 D  C L A Y  M O D E L I N G :

S T O C K  I M A G E  A S S E T S :

Agency: DDB Portugal
Client: Galp

Creative Director: Tico Moraes
Production Director: Valeria Lima
Project Director: Janaína Villas-Bôas
Project Manager: Gabi Lima
Account: Vanessa Nunes
CGI Artist: Kim Mendonça
3D Simulation: Maurício Mazza
Creative Retoucher: Thiago Storino
Galp, O Gelado

Galp, O Gelado
